Home Environment TamSuk Baby Wipes are Thailand’s best biodegradable baby wipes

TamSuk Baby Wipes are Thailand’s best biodegradable baby wipes

TamSuk Baby Wipes best biodegradable baby wipes Thailand
TamSuk Baby Wipes don't use parabens and are 100% biodegradable

Landfills and waste disposal sites in Thailand continue to be overwhelmed with trash. A lot of the focus is on plastic waste because of the increased awareness the public has regarding the topic. But it’s not the only product in the Kingdom’s dumpsites causing issues. Much like plastic, baby wipes are clogging up landfills and creating problems.

One company is helping solve that problem. TamSuk Baby Wipes are the best biodegradable baby wipes in Thailand. Unlike traditional wipes, which can take up to 100 years before they are completely gone, TamSuk Baby Wipes need only four to six weeks to degrade once disposed of.

The benefits of TamSuk Baby Wipes on the environment are twofold. Firstly, they won’t pile up in landfills after they have been used. Secondly, the wipes don’t use harmful preservatives that can end up in rivers and oceans.

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How do the best biodegradable baby wipes in Thailand work?

TamSuk Baby Wipes best biodegradable baby wipes Thailand for sale
TamSuk Baby Wipes are made from all-natural fibers while using organic aloe vera

TamSuk Baby Wipes are made from 100 percent organic materials with no paraben, alcohol or perfumes. Parabens, in particular, are used in non-biodegradable baby wipes as a preservative and can pollute surface waters. As we’ve seen in Thailand with plastic, waste in landfills and disposal sites can end up in rivers and streams when floods or other natural disasters strike because they don’t have the containment infrastructure in place.

By not using parabens, TamSuk Baby Wipes won’t harm the environment regardless of what happens to them after use. Additionally, the wipes are made from all-natural fibers designed to breakdown quickly once disposed of. All this means you can confidently throw them away knowing there won’t be any negative impact on the world around you.

Of course, just because TamSuk Baby Wipes are good for the environment doesn’t mean you are receiving an inferior product. In fact, the wipes are as good as any other product on the market.

They have been dermatologist tested and use organic aloe vera which is good for the skin. The wipes also meet the highest anti-bacterial standards. In the era of the “new normal”, this makes TamSuk Baby Wipes versatile. I carry a pack around for my hands as they don’t dry out my skin like hand sanitizer does.

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TamSuk Baby Wipes contributes to a good cause

While TamSuk Baby Wipes are the best biodegradable baby wipes in Thailand, they also care about the community. That’s why the company is making a matching donation to the Thai Red Cross Children’s Foundation for every box of TamSuk Baby Wipes purchased.

One box contains four packs of wipes and costs THB250. TamSuk Baby Wipes can be purchased from the company directly or via Lazada. Shipping is currently free.

For more information:

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