cast wall construction mortar system
Premio Quinto Kaset is among the first condos to use the cast wall mortar system

Construction companies are constantly battling tight timelines. An hour saved here or there is nice, but there are a growing number of innovations that can help reduce construction times by days or even weeks. Something as routine as mortar installation can now be a massive timesaver.

Brick and mortar wall construction has long been the preferred method for many construction companies because it is a proven technology. Pre-casted walls have grown in popularity and helped cut down time for wall construction, but there is an even faster alternative now available.

Cast wall mortar is a cast-in-place wall system that can slash the time required in half while also reducing the amount of labor needed for successful application. The benefits of the system are now being realized in Bangkok condominium developments.

Premio Quinto Kaset is among the first to use the cast wall mortar system and the results have been impressive. The eight-story development in suburban Bangkok required an estimated 10,000 sq. meters of walls. This would take anywhere from two to four months using other wall construction techniques, but the builder was able to complete the job in 28 days by using the cast wall mortar system.

But the benefits don’t end there. The cast wall mortar system also adds value for unit owners. For starters, it is more durable than traditional wall construction methods and doesn’t crack. The cast wall mortar is far more sound absorbent than traditional mortars. Even the noise from a heavy-duty home theatre system can be muted through the walls. Finally, it is twice as fire resistant than other wall construction methods.

This means Premio Quinto Kaset will be a better overall development for all parties. But, what about the construction cost? The benefits are great, but the installation costs must be reasonable as well. Believe it or not, brick and mortar and pre-cast wall construction solutions actually cost more than the cast wall mortar system when you factor in all considerations.

Sticker price here doesn’t tell the entire story. That’s because the time and labor savings of the cast wall mortar system can be significant for construction companies. In fact, it’s estimated that using a cast wall mortar system for construction is actually 15 percent cheaper than pre-cast wall solutions. The savings are even larger when using it instead of brick and mortar.

The affordable solution to improving building quality and speed is also a way construction companies can save money. In an era where every last dollar matters, cast wall mortar system is the only wall construction solution that makes sense.