Home Interesting Ekkamai Coffee goes to the dogs at the shiba inu café on Ekkamai

Coffee goes to the dogs at the shiba inu café on Ekkamai

Prof. PhiloCoffee is one of Ekkamai's newest cafes

Known as Prof. PhiloCoffee, the shiba inu café on Ekkamai is certainly worth a visit if you like coffee or dogs. The shop’s owner is a handsome looking pup named Kai Muan who is incredibly friendly and may even lick you. Okay, so maybe the shiba isn’t the actual owner, but you will definitely be greeted by him and his mame assistant.

It was a bit surprising to see the pair inside. The Prof. PhiloCoffee sign featuring a monocle-clas shiba has been up for months. However, the place didn’t open until recently. Going in, I had no idea what to expect, although the logo makes a lot of sense once you’re inside.

This is the shiba inu café on Ekkamai. As cool as the dogs are, I was equally impressed with the drinks. The menu has a selection of specialty beverages along with your traditional espresso-based options. You will also find scones along with a few other snacks on offer.

The quality at Prof. PhiloCoffee is quite good. Sometimes places that have a notable attraction do not put as much effort into the beverages since people will come regardless. That is not the case here. The coffee was nice and I was impressed with the value for money.

We aren’t totally convinced that Kai Muan here is the actual owner

They have a dark roast which comes standard as well as a special espresso blend which is an extra THB10. We didn’t try any of the non-coffee drinks but there is a diverse selection on offer. The staff was very helpful.

And, of course, you get to pet the owner and his assistant at the shiba inu café on Ekkamai. They stay in a separate area away from where the drinks are made and happen to be friendly. It’s just an overall cool experience.

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shiba inu café on Ekkamai
Prices at Prof. PhiloCoffee are reasonable and the drinks are quite good

One of the signature menus at Prof. PhiloCoffee is the Spanish Latte which is milk, espresso and a bit of malt. I enjoyed it and the baristas do an excellent job of not overwhelming you with the malt taste.


Prices are extremely reasonable for beverages on Ekkamai. Most coffee drinks are in the THB80 price range. Smoothies and such go for THB100 and up.

Getting there

The shiba inu café on Ekkamai can be found at the Shell station next to Bangkok Business Center and the Sorachai Building. It is like a five-minute walk from the BTS Ekkamai station while parking is also available.

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