Saudi Aramco invest Japanese drone startupvideo

Why did Saudi Aramco invest in a Japanese drone startup?

It’s a head-scratching partnership on the surface. An oil giant investing in a Japanese drone startup certainly qualifies as interesting.  But there is a...

Japanese startup XPAND K.K. solves the far away problem with QR codes

Do you remember seeing a QR Code on large outdoor advertising or other signage? Probably not. There is a reason for that. In order...
Startup Bangladesh

iDEA Project and Startup Bangladesh team up to take tech startups forward

The iDEA Project and Startup Bangladesh recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a bid to provide a more robust, supportive ecosystem for...
Prof. Weicheng Cui, seen here aboard RV Zhangjian, founded Rainbowfish Ocean Technology in 2014

Rainbowfish Ocean Technology explores the deepest depths

This article about Rainbowfish Ocean Technology appeared in the Norway-Asia Business Review Magazine. Rainbowfish Ocean Technology wants to help man reach one of the few remaining...
Cambodia tech startups

Cambodia finds new ways to support tech startups

Cambodia is finding new ways to support tech startups in the country as the government looks to encourage growth in this space. According to...
Halal2Go halal food

Halal2Go aims to connect two of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing markets

Halal food is big business. According to Thomson Reuters, the global halal food market will be valued at USD 1.9 trillion by next year....
Norma quantum computing Asia

South Korea’s Norma aims to set the bar for quantum computing in Asia

South Korean company Norma has launched a new innovation it believes will set the bar for quantum computing in Asia. The Q Care Connect...

Indonesian fintech startup ALAMI offers sharia-compliant financial solutions

Indonesian fintech startup ALAMI has identified a key gap in the market and is now aiming to fill it. The peer-to-peer (P2P) lender has...
Singapore tech innovation leader

Singapore has cemented its status as a tech innovation leader

Singapore is seen as a tech innovation leader, not only in Asia but globally. Reaching that status had to do with the country’s proactivity...
Magnus Grimeland Antler

From Zalora to Antler, Magnus Grimeland makes his mark

This article appeared in the Norway-Asia Business Review. Click here to read the magazine. Two years is a long time in the age of innovation. For...

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